
Recent Posts

PCFMA is proud to be a diverse workplace, with our staff representing as many ages, cultural backgrounds, and personal identities as the markets we operate. We are fortunate to have built a strong...
save market match
California's Market Match program, which helps low-income families buy fresh produce, is at risk. The Governor's budget cuts funding, threatening the program's end in 2024. Take action now! Visit...
dear deb green
Dear Deb: What does organic mean and how does it compare to non-organic? Katy, Walnut Creek  Katy: Organic produce is sought after by many customers at our farmers’ markets. If you understand the...
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PCFMA is excited to welcome new staff members stepping into leadership positions to guide PCFMA's farmers markets. Elisabeth Garon, Director of Operations Brooke Souza, Regional Manager Cheyenne...