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basket of produce
Picnics and barbecues are a lot of fun, but in warm weather, you need to be particularly careful about handling the fixin's if you don't want to end up sick. Here are some cardinal rules for summer...
grilled leeks
Not much surpasses the taste of farm-fresh fruits and vegetables cooked on an outdoor grill. The flavor of the produce intensifies when introduced to flames, whether it’s grilled peaches or nectarines...
pitting cherries
Cherries are coming into season, but removing the pits from these luscious sweet beauties can be a messy and tedious chore. We’ve found several ways you can pit them fairly easily and quickly...
Honey (1)
A spoonful of wildflower honey on a warm biscuit, a dollop of clover honey in your tea, and a drizzle of blueberry honey in salad dressings are made possible because of honey bees. These hard-working...