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Apple Butter
There isn't much that surpasses the flavor of apples, pears, grapes, figs, or persimmons in the cool fall months. You should be consuming produce In-season for the best flavor and nutrition, but...
AsianPears (1)
Stroll through the farmers’ market in the fall and you’re sure to find a muted yellow, or light brown round fruit. At first glance, it looks like an apple, but upon further investigation, the texture...
Melons are some of the most delicious fruits of the summer. Chilled watermelon on a hot day is refreshing and sweet, honeydew wrapped with prosciutto divine, and cantaloupe with mint a perfect treat...
The first week of the month, August 1st thru 7th is Farmers’ Market Week and we are taking the whole month to celebrate and thank the farmers and the community who have supported their local farmers’...