Strawberry Lemonade

Main Ingredient
Recipe Seasonality
  • 2 pints strawberries
  • 2 lemons
  • 1/2 to 3/4 cups sugar, depending on your taste
  • 1 pinch of salt
  • 5 cups water or seltzer

Wash, stem and halve two pints of strawberries. Toss them in 1/2 to 3/4 cup sugar with a generous pinch of salt, depending on the level of sweetness you want. Let the strawberries stand at room temperature until the sugar has dissolved, about 45 minutes.

Add the juice of two lemons and the zest of one lemon and purée in the blender for 2 minutes. Pass through a strainer and then, to wash out any extra flavor from the strainer, pour 5 cups of water through the strainer.

For a strawberry fizz, use seltzer instead of water. For an ‘adult beverage,’ mix four ounces, or 1/2 cup, of strawberry lemonade with one ounce, or 1 tablespoon St. Germaine liqueur

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Watsonville , CA
Royal Oaks , CA
Santa Maria , CA