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Strawberries Fairfield Farmers' Market
PCFMA will continue to match WIC FMNP and Senior FMNP coupons for the 2022 season thanks to CDFA’s California Nutrition Incentive Program (CNIP). The funding from CNIP helps nutrition program...
Pleasanton Farmers' Market
Last month the PCFMA Board of Directors met for a strategic planning retreat; the first time the majority of the Board gathered in-person since January 2020. Over the two day retreat, the Board...
Eggs (3)
Do happy, stress-free chickens that munch on bugs, seeds, and grass produce better eggs? Does it matter if they’re fed grain or are antibiotic-free? If you are concerned about where your eggs come...
Peas (1)
“How luscious lies the pea within the pod.” - Emily Dickinson Fresh peas are calling to us this spring with their gorgeous color and crisp sweet taste. The season for peas is upon us and that means...