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pitting cherries
Cherries are coming into season, but removing the pits from these luscious sweet beauties can be a messy and tedious chore. We’ve found several ways you can pit them fairly easily and quickly...
Honey (1)
A spoonful of wildflower honey on a warm biscuit, a dollop of clover honey in your tea, and a drizzle of blueberry honey in salad dressings are made possible because of honey bees. These hard-working...
french toast with berries
Nothing is as delectable (and economical) as a no-waste kitchen. Did you buy a delicious loaf of bread at the market and not eat it all by the time it got a bit stale? Fear not, you can craft a full...
eating healthy
Food waste is unfortunately prevalent in the US. Almost 40% of edible food products are thrown away every day. Wasted food is the single largest category of material placed in municipal landfills and...